Quincy IL
Quincy, IL 11 small towns where millennials are moving for affordable homes
Quincy, IL was ranked #8 place in the nation to raise children by Forbes Magazine!
Quincy, IL was voted Runner-Up for the 2013 most beautiful small towns in America by Rand McNally!
Quincy is #6 Most Affordable Place to Live in IL
Quincy is one of America’s Most Artistic Towns
Quincy is one of Best Small Cities for College Grads
Quincy Public Schools: www.qps.org
Quincy Catholic Schools: www.quincycatholicschools.org/
St. James Lutheran School: www.stjamesqcy.org/
Quincy Christian Schools: www.quincychristianschool.org/
Quincy University: www.quincy.edu
John Wood Community College: www.jwcc.edu
GemCity College: www.gemcitycollege.com
Vatterott College/Quincy Campus: www.vatterott.edu/quincy.asp
Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing: http://www.brcn.edu/
Quincy Public Library: www.quincylibrary.org/
Local Government and Development Resources:
City of Quincy: www.ci.quincy.il.us/
Adams County, IL: www.co.adams.il.us
Great River Economic Development Foundation: www.gredf.org
Quincy Park District: www.quincyparkdistrict.com
Adams County GIS Map: www.adamscountygis.com
Places of Worship:
Quincy Arts:
Quincy Society of Fine Arts: www.artsqcy.org
Quincy Community Theatre: www.1qct.org
Quincy Symphony Orchestra: www.qsoa.org
Quincy Museum: www.thequincymuseum.org .
Local Government:
Quincy Chamber of Commerce: www.quincychamber.org
Young Professionals of Quincy: www.ypquincy.com
Downtown Quincy: www.downtownquincy.com
Quincy Visitors Bureau: www.seequincy.com
Quincy Regional Airport: www.ci.quincy.il.us/government/CityDepartments/Airport
Local News:
Quincy Herald Whig: www.whig.com
KHQA: www.khqa.com
WGEM: www.wgem.com
Blessing Hospital: www.blessinghospital.org
Quincy Medical Group: www.quincymedgroup.com
Hannibal Regional Hospital: hrhonline.org/